Tales from the Old City 1


Welcome to the first in a series of articles from us here at The Vestige, about the post-modern stadium rock band a truth called nothing’s rich history. Over the coming months, we will get to know these counter-culture savants in a way that hasn’t been possible before. We will be taking a look at different periods of the band’s production, from the making of some classic albums to the forming of the BOF itself. To help us, we have been given access to an extensive archive of documents, in addition to our interviews with the members and associates of the band.

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Excerpt from “Intensifying Hearts & Dreams” – season 17, episode 85


Int: The Futureshop, surreal chamber

In the depths of The Futureshop, we find ourselves in a dark chamber full of frayed electrical wires that glitter, self-playing pianos that stutter, dark statues of unknown animals that could be confused for horses or squids, shelves with piles of burning reading glasses, and similar obscure memorabilia from another world. We find DUKE sitting on his thone-like chair/chair-like throne (think of the one from Game of Thrones, but with wood and electronica rather than swords). He is speaking to a SLAVE chained to the floor. The SLAVE is facing away from DUKE.


See all this, SLAVE. See this town into which we have dug from unknowable tunnels. They know us not but we are here all the same.

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Music for the 20% Non-Believers

Here comes a preview from Science – Like Religion But Real, the upcoming a truth called nothing EP for the neglected atheist population of the world! In many markets, the theists make up as much as 80% of people. And they don’t exactly lack for music catering to their (let’s be honest – extremely strange and reality-denying) beliefs. Why should we continue to let the “christian music” mega-industry suppress our need to sing our appreciation for the evidence-based power of science and the glory of the natural world? After all, these things are true whether you believe in them or not!


Single sover by Adam Sobranie

Next week, we’ll ruminate these subjects to extensive detail and musical perfection in Science – Like Religion But Real, a five-song EP all about science, religion, god, man, robots, space, sex, simplicity, politics, Trump, walls, socialism, and so much more. For now, listen to this exclusive edit of the title track! And remember to “like”, “subscribe”, “comment”, “follow”, and all the other things one absolutely must ask for in compensation for nominally “free” musical services! And remember… Trust in science, feel good about the future, listen to a truth called nothing, and always, always rock the road.

Science – Like Religion But Real will be released on May 3rd, and it will be available on Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Bandcamp, and several other services. See you in a week!

/From the truth crew and all of us here at the BOF

Announcing the second EP by (a truth called nothing)

The last time we made a concept record about religion, we ended up with several good songs but a record that was so claustrophobia-inducing in its minimalism that it has been left mercifully forgotten, entombed in the terrible city in which it was given birth. This time, we’re not holding anything back. We’re not on the fence anymore. We’re firing on all cylinders. We’re no fans of minimalism right now – we want extra sauce with our postmodern stadium rock.

Sciencetease.pngScience – Like Religion But Real is the title of the second installment in the EP Project. We’ve concocted five songs about religion and science that will take you on quite a journey, in our aim to present an argument that you can actually cut out 100% of the magical thinking while losing 0% of the wonder.

Science – Like Religion But Real by a truth called nothing. Coming to a streaming service near you this May 3rd.

Excerpt from ”Intensifying Hearts & Dreams” – season 17, episode 70


Ext: hill at the edge of Doomtown

Sunset. Two MYSTERY MASKS are sitting next to each other, looking serenely at the town during a break in their duties.


Man oh man… It’s getting crazier and crazier up in here. As if the whole mess surrounding FRANK‘s funeral wasn’t enough, with the drunken fist fight that erupted at the reception between THE MAYOR and ANGÉL GABRIÉL… Now we got ghost trees and weird-ass pianos popping into existence all over the place?

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Letters to the truth, vol. 2: Atheism baby!


Hi! The word has spread far and wide that a truth called nothing are preparing to release a record about atheism (and indeed might already have done so if the monkey fuck computer would cooperate)! Hence, some of you have been wondering what’s up with that subject. So this is our Q&A session with our experts; Balthazar, Caspar and/or Melchior who’re gonna answer all questions you might have about God, Jesus or the Camelz. So let’s go!

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Ask Three Fellows, vol. 8

Dear Masons, fans and readers. Today we ask the stunning question: What do religious people know that we don’t? In other words, what does “the religious experience” consist of in reality?

Pastor Jerry Jing – spiritual leader, local politician, ghost afficionado

jing.jpegOh, dearest subjects…! The transcendental religious experience is like nothing you have ever felt. One can literally feel the Holy Spirit coming inside one’s body and bringing one closer to the glorious Lord. I officiated a grand funeral recently, and there I had the opportunity to see who were the True Christian Believers, and who was just going through the motions. When an individual is caught up in the rapture of religious extasy, the light of God can be seen in their eyes. Their conviction becomes so intense that they would never turn from the Lord, even if he told them to do so. Also, please note that if you see a devotee of another congregation experiencing transcendence, they are surely faking it. It is only the members of my congregation – The Most Holy Pesticiderous Church of North-Northeast Doomtown – that are eligible to recieve this Godly service. Please report all apostates to my Holy Office.

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But why me? Oh but why me?

Dear Masons of Truth,

I do believe in the word of Christ and that Jesus Christ is our lord and savior – the way, the truth and the life. He died on the cross one fell Friday afternoon. Jesus has literary saved my life. Without him, not only would my life be much more dull and damp, but I would not be here today. I would be dead. This is hard to write. But it is the truth.

o-love-letter-facebook copy 4

I have grown into the stories of Christ and the teachings of the bible. Many people in my experience can’t answer why we should believe the Bible. For me that is the most central question of all. I believe many Christians just take it for granted. But I do find it strange how you can call yourself a Christian and not believe in the Bible and the word of God? What Can you believe then?

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